Publikationen: Franze Lab



Kaplan L, Drexler C, Pfaller AM, Brenna S, Wunderlich KA, Dimitracopoulos A, Merl-Pham J, Perez MT, Schlötzer-Schrehardt U, Enzmann V, Samardzija M, Puig B, Fuchs P, Franze K, Hauck SM, Grosche A: Retinal regions shape human and murine Müller cell proteome profile and functionality. Glia doi: 10.1002/glia.24283 (2022)

Jakobs MAH, Zemel A, Franze K: Unrestrained growth of correctly oriented microtubules instructs axonal microtubule orientation. Elife 11:e77608 (2022)

Schaeffer J, Weber IP, Thompson AJ, Keynes RJ, Franze K: Axons in the Chick Embryo Follow Soft Pathways Through Developing Somite Segments. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 10:917589 (2022)

Barone DG, Carnicer-Lombarte A, Tourlomousis P, Hamilton RS, Prater M, Rutz AL, Dimov IB, Malliaras GG, Lacour SP, Robertson AAB, Franze K, Fawcett JW, Bryant CE: Prevention of the foreign body response to implantable medical devices by inflammasome inhibition. PNAS 119(12):e2115857119 (2022)

Yanagida A, Corujo-Simon E, Revell CK, Sahu P, Stirparo GG, Aspalter IM, Winkel AK, Peters R, De Belly H, Cassani DAD, Achouri S, Blumenfeld R, Franze K, Hannezo E, Paluch EK, Nichols J, Chalut KJ: Cell surface fluctuations regulate early embryonic lineage sorting. Cell 185(5):777-793.e20 (2022)



Labouesse C, Tan BX, Agley CC, Hofer M, Winkel AK, Stirparo GG, Stuart HT, Verstreken CM, Mulas C, Mansfield W, Bertone P, Franze K, Silva JCR, Chalut KJ: StemBond hydrogels control the mechanical microenvironment for pluripotent stem cells. Nature Communications 12(1):6132 (2021)

Wang DY, Melero C, Albaraky A, Atherton P, Jansen KA, Dimitracopoulos A, Dajas-Bailador F, Reid A, Franze K, Ballestrem C: Vinculin is required for neuronal mechanosensing but not for axon outgrowth. Experimental Cell Research 407(2):112805 (2021)

Oliveri H, Franze K, Goriely A: Theory for durotactic axon guidancePhysical Review Letters 126(11):118101 (2021)

Lippert AH, Dimov IB, Winkel AK, Humphrey J, McColl J, Chen KY, Santos AM, Jenkins E, Franze K, Davis SJ, Klenerman D: Soft Polydimethylsiloxane-Supported Lipid Bilayers for Studying T Cell Interactions. Biophys J 120(1):35-45 (2021)



Rheinlaender J, Dimitracopoulos A, Wallmeyer B, Kronenberg NM, Chalut KJ, Gather MC, Betz T, Charras G, Franze K: Cortical cell stiffness is independent of substrate mechanics. Nature Materials 19:1019–1025 (2020)

Franze K: Integrating Chemistry and Mechanics: The Forces Driving Axon Growth. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology. doi: 10.1146/annurev-cellbio-100818-125157. (2020)

Dimitracopoulos A, Srivastava P, Chaigne A, Win Z, Shlomovitz R, Lancaster OM, Le Berre M, Piel M, Franze K, Salbreux G, Baum B: Mechanochemical Crosstalk Produces Cell-Intrinsic Patterning of the Cortex to Orient the Mitotic Spindle. Current Biology doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.06.098 (2020)

Axpe E, Orive G, Franze K, Appel EA: Towards brain-tissue-like biomaterials. Nature Communications 11:3423 (2020)

Rezk R, Jia BZ, Wendler A, Dimov I, Watts C, Markaki AE, Franze K, Kabla AJ: Spatial heterogeneity of cell-matrix adhesive forces predicts human glioblastoma migration. Neuro-Oncology Advances doi: 10.1093/noajnl/vdaa081(2020)

Jakobs M, Franze K, Zemel A: Mechanical regulation of neurite polarization and growth – A computational study. Biophys J 118(8):1914-1920 (2020)

Kulenkampff K, Lippert AH, McColl J, Santos AM, Ponjavic A, Jenkins E, Humphrey J, Winkel A, Franze K, Lee SF, Davis SJ, Klenerman D: The Costs of Close Contacts: Visualizing the Energy Landscape of Cell Contacts at the Nanoscale. Biophys J 118(6):1261-1269 (2020)

Kjell J, Fischer-Sternjak J, Thompson AJ, Friess C, Sticco MJ, Salinas F, Cox J, Martinelli DC, Ninkovic J, Franze K*, Schiller HB*, Götz M*: Defining the Adult Neural Stem Cell Niche Proteome Identifies Key Regulators of Adult Neurogenesis. Cell Stem Cell 26(2):277-293 (2020)


Carnicer-Lombarte A, Barone DG, Dimov IB, Hamilton RS, Prater M, Zhao X, Rutz AL, Malliaras GG, Lacour SP, Bryant CE, Fawcett JW, Franze K: Mechanical matching of implant to host minimises foreign body reaction. bioRxiv (2019)

Jakobs MAH, Dimitracopoulos A, Franze K: KymoButler, a deep learning software for automated kymograph analysis. eLife 8:e42288 (2019)

Segel M, Neumann B, Hill MFE, Weber IP, Viscomi C, Zhao C, Young A, Agley CC, Thompson AJ, Gonzalez G, Sharma A, Holmqvist S, Rowitch DH, Franze K, Franklin RJM, Chalut KF: Niche stiffness underlies the ageing of central nervous system progenitor cells. Nature 573:130–134 (2019)

Caglar M, Pandya R, Xiao J, Foster SK, Divitini G, Chen RYS, Greenham NC, Franze K, Rao A, Keyser UF: All-optical detection of neuronal membrane depolarization in live cells using colloidal quantum dots. Nano Letters 19(12):8539-8549 (2019)

Abbas Y, Carnicer-Lombarte A, Gardner L, Thomas J, Brosens JJ, Moffett A, Sharkey A, Franze K, Burton GJ, Oyen ML: Tissue stiffness at the human maternal-fetal interfaceHuman Reproduction 34(10):1999-2008 (2019)

Pocaterra A, Santinon G, Romani P, Brian I, Dimitracopoulos A, Ghisleni A, Carnicer-Lombarte A, Forcato M, Braghetta P, Montagner M, Galuppini F, Aragona M, Pennelli G, Bicciato S, Gauthier N, Franze K, Dupont S: F-actin dynamics regulates mammalian organ growth and cell fate maintenance. J Hepatol S0168-8278(19)30144-8 (2019)

Thompson AJ, Pillai EK, Dimov IB, Foster SK, Holt CE, Franze K: Rapid changes in tissue mechanics regulate cell behaviour in the developing embryonic brain. eLife 8:e39356 (2019)

Cioni JM, Lin JQ, Holtermann AV, Koppers M, Jakobs MAH, Azizi A, Turner-Bridger B, Shigeoka T, Franze K, Harris WA, Holt CE: Late endosomes act as mRNA translation platforms and sustain mitochondria in axons. Cell 176:1-17 (2019)



Koser DE, Moeendarbary E, Kuerten S, Franze K: Predicting local tissue mechanics using immunohistochemistry. bioRxiv (2018)

Turner-Bridger B, Jakobs MAH, Muresan L, Wong H, Franze K, Harris WA, Holt CE: Single molecule analysis of endogenous β-actin mRNA trafficking reveals a mechanism for compartmentalised mRNA localisation in axons. PNAS 115(41):E9697-E9706 (2018)

Pavel M, Renna M, Park SJ, Menzies F, Ricketts T, Füllgrabe J, Ashkenazi A, Frake R, Carnicer-Lombarte A, Bento C, Franze K, Rubinsztein DC: Contact inhibition controls cell survival and proliferation via YAP/TAZ-autophagy axis. Nature Communications 9:2961 (2018)

Barriga EH, Franze K, Charras G, Mayor R: Tissue stiffening coordinates morphogenesis by triggering collective cell migration in vivo. Nature 554:523–527 (2018)



Weber IP, Rana M, Thomas PBM, Dimov IB, Franze K, Rajan MS: Effect of Vital Dyes on Human Corneal Endothelium and Elasticity of Descemet’s Membrane. PLOS ONE 12(9):e0184375 (2017)

Díaz de la Loza MC, Díaz-Torres A, Zurita F, Rosales-Nieves AE, Moeendarbary E, Franze K, Martín-Bermudo MD, González-Reyes A: Laminin levels regulate tissue migration and anterior-posterior polarity during egg morphogenesis in Drosophila. Cell Reports 20(1):211–223 (2017)

Kronenberg NM, Liehm P, Steude A, Knipper JA, Borger JG, Scarcelli G, Franze K, Powis SJ, Gather MC: Long-Term Imaging of Cellular Forces with High Precision by Elastic Resonator Interference Stress Microscopy. Nature Cell Biology 19(7):864-872 (2017)

Moeendarbary E, Weber IP, Sheridan GK, Koser DE, Solemane S, Haenzie B, Bradbury EJ, Fawcett J, Franze K: The soft mechanical signature of glial scars in the central nervous system. Nature Communications 8:14787 (2017)

Weber I, Yun SH, Scarcelli G, Franze K: The role of cell body density in ruminant retina mechanics assessed by atomic force and Brillouin microscopyPhysical Biology 14:065006 (2017)


Koser DE, Thompson AJ, Foster SK, Dwivedy A, Pillai EK, Sheridan GK, Svoboda H, Viana M, Costa LdF, Guck J, Holt CE, Franze K: Mechanosensing is critical for axon growth in the developing brain. Nature Neuroscience 19(12):1592-1598 (2016)

Sciacovelli M, Gonçalves E, Johnson TI, Zecchini VR, da Costa ASH, Gaude E, Drubbel AV, Theobald SJ, Abbo SR, Tran MGB, Rajeeve V, Cardaci S, Foster S, Yun H, Cutillas P, Warren A, Gnanapragasam V, Gottlieb E, Franze K, Huntly B, Maher ER, Maxwell PH, Saez-Rodriguez J, Frezza C: Fumarate is an epigenetic modifier that elicits epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Nature 537(7621):544-547 (2016)

Holtzmann K, Gautier HOB, Christ AF, Guck J, Karadottir RT, Franze K: Brain tissue stiffness is a sensitive marker for acidosis. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 271:50–54 (2016)

Pearson JR, Zurita F, Tomás-Gallardo L, Díaz-Torres A, del Carmen Díaz de la Loza M, Franze K, Martín-Bermudo MD, González-Reyes A: ECM-regulator timp is required for stem cell niche organization and cyst production in the Drosophila ovary. PLOS Genetics 12(1):e1005763 (2016)


Jakobs M, Franze K, Zemel A: Force generation by molecular-motor powered microtubule bundles; implications for neuronal polarization and growth. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 9:441 (2015)

MacDonald RB, Randlett O, Oswald J, Yoshimatsu T, Franze K*, Harris WA*: Muller Glia Provide Essential Tensile Strength to the Developing Retina. Journal of Cell Biology 210(7):1075–1083 (2015)

Bollmann L, Koser DE, Shahapure R, Gautier HOB, Holzapfel GA, Scarcelli G, Gather MC, Ulbricht E, Franze K: Microglia mechanics: immune activation alters traction forces and durotaxis. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 9:363 (2015)

Bedzhov I, Bialecka M, Zielinska A, Kosalka J, Thompson AJ, Franze K, Zernicka-Goetz M: Development of the anterior-posterior axis is a self-organising process in the absence of maternal cues in mouse embryo. Cell Research 25:1368–1371 (2015)

Koser DE, Moeendarbary E, Hanne J, Kuerten S, Franze K: CNS cell distribution and axon orientation determine local spinal cord mechanical properties. Biophysical Journal108(9):2137-2147 (2015)

Randall A, Liu CH, Chu B, Zhang Q, Dongre S, Juusola M, Franze K, Wakelam M, Hardie R: Speed and sensitivity of phototransduction in Drosophila depend on degree of saturation of membrane phospholipids. Journal of Neuroscience 35(6): 2731-2746 (2015)

Gautier HOB, Thompson AJ, Achouri S, Koser DE, Holtzmann K, Moeendarbary E, Franze K: Atomic force microscopy-based force measurements on animal cells and tissues. Methods in Cell Biology (Volume 125) 125:211-235 (2015)



Pagliara S*, Franze K*, McClain CR, Wylde G, Fisher CL, Franklin RJM, Kabla AJ, Keyser UF, Chalut KJ: Auxetic nuclei in embryonic stem cells exiting pluripotency. Nature Materials 13:638-644 (2014)

Moshayedi P, Ng G, Kwok JC, Yeo GSH, Bryant C, Fawcett J, Franze K*, Guck J: The relationship between glial cell mechanosensitivity and foreign body reactions in the central nervous system. Biomaterials 35(13):3919-3925 (2014)



Franze K: The mechanical control of nervous system development. Development 140:3069-3077 (2013)

Franze K, Janmey P, Guck J: Mechanics in Neuronal Development and Repair. Annual Reviews in Biomedical Engineering 15:227-251 (2013)



Hardie RC, Franze K: Photomechanical responses in Drosophila photoreceptors. Science338(6104):260-263 (2012)

Kuo CHR, Xian J, Brenton JD, Franze K*, Sivaniah E*: Complex stiffness gradient substrates for studying mechanotactic cell migration. Advanced Materials 24(45):6059-6064 (2012)

Kreysing M, Pusch R, Haverkate D, Landsberger M, Engelmann J, Ruiter J, Mora-Ferrer C, Ulbricht E, Grosche J, Franze K, Streif S, Schumacher S, Makarov F, Kacza J, Guck J, Wolburg H, Bowmaker J, von der Emde G, Schuster S, Wagner HJ, Reichenbach A, Francke M: Photonic Crystal Light Collectors in Fish Retina Improve Vision in Turbid Water. Science 336(6089):1700-1703 (2012)

Verho T, Korhonen JT, Sainiemi L, Jokinen V, Bower C, Franze K, Franssila S, Andrew P, Ikkala O, Ras RHA: Reversible Switching between Superhydrophobic States on a Hierarchically Structured Surface. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109(26):10210-10213 (2012)

Reichenbach A, Franze K, Agte S, Junek S, Wurm A, Grosche J, Savvinov A, Guck J, Skatchkov SN: Live Cells as Optical Fibers in the Vertebrate Retina. In Selected Topics on Optical Fiber Technology. M. Yasin, S. W. Harun and H. Arof, editors. InTech. (2012)



Franze K: Atomic force microscopy and its contribution to understanding the development of the nervous system.
Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 21(5):530-537 (2011)

Betz T, Koch D, Lu YB, Franze K, Käs J: Growth cones as soft and weak force generators. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 108(33):13420-13425 (2011)



Franze K, Francke M, Guenter K, Christ AF, Koerber N, Reichenbach A, Guck J: Spatial mapping of the mechanical properties of the living retina using scanning force microscopy. Soft Matter 7(7):3147-3154 (2010)

Franze K & Guck J: The biophysics of neuronal growth. Reports on Progress in Physics73(9):4601-4619 (2010)

Moshayedi P, da F Costa L, Christ AF, Lacour SP, Fawcett J, Guck J, Franze K: Mechanosensitivity of astrocytes on optimized polyacrylamide gels analyzed by quantitative morphometry, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22(19), doi:10.1088/0953-8984/22/19/194114 (2010)

Christ AF, Franze K, Gautier H, Moshayedi P, Franklin RJM, Karadottir RT, Guck J: Mechanical difference between white and gray matter in the rat cerebellum measured by scanning force microscopy. Journal of Biomechanics 43(15):2986-92 (2010)

Poetes R, Holtzmann K, Franze K, Steiner U: Metastable underwater superhydrophobicity.Physical Review Letters 105(16), doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.166104 (2010)

Lindqvist N, Liu Q, Zajadacz J, Franze K, Reichenbach A: Retinal Glial (Muller) Cells Sense and Respond to Tissue Stretch. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 51(3):1683-90 (2010)



Franze K, Gerdelmann J, Weick M, Betz T, Pawlizak S, Lakadamyali M, Bayer J, Rillich K, Gogler M, Lu YB, Reichenbach A, Janmey P, Kas J: Neurite branch retraction is caused by a threshold-dependent mechanical impact. Biophysical Journal 97(7):1883-1890 (2009)



Franze, K, Reichenbach A, Kas J: Biomechanics of the CNS. In Mechanosensitivity in Cells and Tissues: Nervous system, A. Kamkin and I. Kiseleva, editors. Springer, New York (2008)



Franze K, Grosche J, Skatchkov SN, Schinkinger S, Foja C, Schild D, Uckermann O, Travis K, Reichenbach A, Guck J: Muller cells are living optical fibers in the vertebrate retina. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 104(20):8287-8292 (2007)

Ehrlicher A, Betz T, Stuhrmann B, Gogler M, Koch D, Franze K, Lu YB, Kas J: Optical Neuronal Guidance, Methods in Cell Biology 83:495-520 (2007)



Lu YB*, Franze K*, Steinhauser C, Kirchhoff F, Wolburg H, Guck J, Janmey P, Kas J, Reichenbach A: Viscoelastic properties of individual glial cells and neurons in the CNS. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA103(47):17759-17764 (2006)



Biedermann B, Bringmann A, Franze K, Faude F, Wiedemann P, Reichenbach A: GABA(A) receptors in Muller glial cells of the human retina. Glia 46(3):302-310 (2004)

Uckermann O, Iandiev I, Francke M, Franze K, Grosche J, Wolf S, Kohen L, Wiedemann P, Reichenbach A, Bringmann A: Selective staining by vital dyes of Müller glial cells in retinal wholemounts.Glia 45(1):59-66 (2004)